Absorbing God Word
“They will still bear fruit in old age; they will stay fresh and green.” Psalm 92:14
Applying God’s Word
Next month, I turn seventy-five. I feel younger than that, until I look in the mirror. :>)
My entire life has been blessed by God’s presence, but unfortunately there were seasons when I was too distracted or selfish to recognize it.
To briefly break it down: My pre-teens wrapped me in a multitude of fears. My teens smothered me in poor self-worth. My twenties were adventurous and exciting. My thirties left me distrusting and suspicious. My forties had me intrigued with enlightenment. My fifties found me consumed in personal transformation. My sixties were the most spiritually challenging. My seventies have opened my heart even more to the importance of continuous communication with God.
I’ve never sensed a greater need to evangelize; to grasp every opportunity to introduce Jesus to someone new. I can only bear fruit and remain fresh and green spiritually if I stay close to the one true source of nourishment, Jesus.
Accounting of God’s Word
Am I still bearing fruit for God? Who/What is my source of spiritual nourishment?