Absorbing God Word
“Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” James 1:12
Applying God’s Word
Every morning Louise and I ask God to protect us, our family and all of you spiritually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and financially. We pray that prayer, because we know that life is filled with trials; that life is Messy.
I don’t know about you, but I haven’t had that many days when all of my expectations have been addressed or satisfied. I’ve experienced little messes along the way and every now and again a big one has jumped in to wake me up.
We just finished another best seller by Matthew Kelly titled “Life is Messy”. He’s very transparent about some of the messes in his own life. He says, “The mess of life is both inevitable and unexpected. Life isn’t a color-within-the-lines exercise. My life was fine until everything wasn’t.”
Unless you are living a perfect life, you may want to give this book a read.
Accounting of God’s Word
What are the messes in my life right now?