Genesis 1:27 – “Works of Art”?

Absorbing God’s Word

So, God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them.” Genesis 1:27

Applying God’s Word

Louise and I found a beautiful piece of art. We were wandering through an art gallery, turned to one another and both said, “I found something I like.” We smiled, turned and pointed to the same picture. Whew!

When we look deep into this picture we see the light of Christ. That’s the point, huh. Often, I miss the light of Christ in another person because I don’t look beyond the surface.

Some of my most memorable moments, as a Christian, have come when God has had me look right into someone’s heart with the love of Jesus.

That’s how Jesus looks at each of us. He sees the beautiful image of Himself and His light within the depths of who we are. Good, bad, tall, small, kind, or unkind, to Him we are all incredible “Works of Art”.

Accounting of God’s Word

Do I allow myself to look beyond the surface in others? Do I know what it means to see the light of Christ in everyone I encounter?

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