Absorbing God’s Word
“Again, Jesus said, “Peace be with you! As the Father has sent Me, I am sending you.” And with that He breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.” John 20:21-22
Applying God’s Word
Admittedly, the words “Receive the Holy Spirit” can give a person cause to pause. I remember them being a concern to me, but the reward outweighed the risk.
The empowerment of God’s Holy Spirit can be enticing, but all I wanted was a deeper relationship with Jesus. I wanted God’s peace, but I didn’t want to be sent anywhere. I was a man of little faith.
Seeking a friendship with Jesus has not only strengthened my faith it opened me to receive His Holy Spirit and to be sent out.
This is Pentecost Sunday and the end of the Easter Season. I am asking God for more of His Holy Spirit, a greater “Boldness” in witnessing to others and a tireless attitude for doing His work.
Accounting of God’s Word
Have I allowed God’s Holy Spirit to penetrate my heart and soul? Am I willing to spend more time each day with God and experience His peace; to be sent out?