Absorbing God’s Word
“I long to see you so that I may impart to you some spiritual gift to make you strong- that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.” Romans 1:11-12
Applying God’s Word
Each year around this time I thank God for the powerful impact my parents have had on my spiritual journey. My father died November 24, 1981.My mother died December 25, 2014.
I remember how much they prayed, read scripture and lived lives that expressed their love for Jesus. At times, I thought they were a little over the top. I came to realize that they had found something very precious though and were trying to impart it to everyone, especially their children.
My father died prior to my making an adult decision to follow Jesus. I have wept over the missed opportunity to mutually encourage my father in his faith. My mother lived long enough to see that their example helped move me closer to a personal relationship with Jesus. Her and I served in Christian’s in Commerce together and did encourage each other’s faith.
So, on this Thanksgiving I want to say, “Thank you mom and dad for imparting such a lasting gift. I love you with all of my heart.”
I encourage each of you, as friends in Christ, not to give up. We are not in the results business. We are in the imparting business. God takes care of the results.
Accounting of God’s Word
If we could remove all the material gift giving, who would we thank in this season, for imparting spiritual gifts to us?