Absorbing God’s Word
“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” Matthew 6:10
Applying God’s Word
I’ve prayed these words so many times that too often I fail to focus on the promise I’m making to my heavenly “Father”.
God expects me to live out my prayer/promise to Him. He’s asking me to do His will and build up His kingdom not mine. The prayer is a direct order to make everything on earth just like it is in Heaven.
Living out that promise is risky in an unbelieving world. There’s no gray area in what Jesus is asking me to pray or do for His Father, though. He wants His Kingdom to exist on earth now not later.
We do that by hanging out with Heavenly Kingdom Builders; others who also want to do God’s Will.? I used to socialize with Worldly Kingdom Builders for business reasons. That all changed when God got a hold of my heart. I began hanging out with Heavenly Kingdom Builders. Was the change worth it? I wouldn’t be writing this to you, if it wasn’t.
Accounting of God’s Word
What change is God asking me to make so I can live in His Will and build His Kingdom on Earth now?