Absorbing God’s Word
“My child, if you accept my words and store up my commands within you…..then you will understand the fear of the Lord and find the knowledge of God.” Proverbs 2:1&5
Applying God’s Word
This scripture says, “Jack, fill yourself with God so there’s no room for anything else. That is hard to do, if I still want to be in control.
The price for God’s revelation knowledge and wisdom is TIME spent with Him. I have been obedient to daily prayer, scripture and journaling, but He wants me to pursue Him 24/7. God is asking me to resist isolation, be open to change, give my testimony, hear your testimony and be with others who will hold me accountable.
So, I say thanks to all of you, for being my mentors and shareholders in this faith walk. My willingness to be teachable means that my pride has to go, to gain His wisdom means letting go of my own and being one with Him means being one with you.
Accounting of God’s Word
Am I plugged in with someone who gets his or her marching orders from God or am I still flying solo? Who is holding me accountable? Have I prayed or asked God to send me a mentor?