Ezekiel 22:30 – “The Gap” ?

Absorbing God’s Word

“I looked for someone among them who would build up the wall and stand before me in the gap on behalf of the land so I would not have to destroy it, but I found no one.” Ezekiel 22:30

Applying God’s Word

This scripture isn’t talking about the clothing store called “The Gap”. It’s talking about standing in the “Gap” for people. It’s talking about intercessory prayer and approaching God with confidence on someone else’s behalf.

Admittedly, I haven’t always been the best at this. Folks would disclose a special need and I would say, “I will keep you in my prayers.” How could I? I didn’t have a designated prayer time each day. It was merely a kind gesture without support.

I do believe that standing in the gap for myself, my family, friends, strangers, religious leaders, political leaders, our country and the world is critical. Intercessory prayer has become a gift to me. It teaches me persistence, determination, patience, faith, self-discipline and selflessness; especially selflessness.

During our prayer time each morning, Louise and I intercede for others who are faced with serious circumstances and/or situations. We know that God loves each person and we are confident that He is answering each and every prayer request.

I love praying for someone I’m with, but that’s not always possible. God wants me to stand in the gap for those I can’t be with, also. God is asking each of us to come before Him and stand in the gap for someone; something.

Accounting of God’s Word 

Am I sensitive to those He asks me to intercede for? Who have I promised to pray for recently? Was I faithful to their request or was it merely a kind gesture?

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