“Every time”

Absorbing God’s Word

“But, “Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 10:17   

Applying God’s Word

In writing the “Challenge” each week, God asks me to be honest, transparent and share stories that glorify Him. I try my best to do that in a way that is not self-seeking but rather in a way that gives God the credit.

Every morning for years, I have prayed, “I am available to pray with someone today, Lord. Use me.” God has answered that prayer every time I’ve prayed it; with family, friends, customers, strangers, the homeless, on the phone, over email, in jacuzzies, hotel lobbies, elevators, airports, on airplanes, in stores, at sporting events, restaurants, on golf courses, in churches, parking lots, gas stations and even in line at the grocery store. God sets up all those appointments and does all the work. I just follow His lead and avoid getting caught up in the results. I’ve been blessed every time!

Accounting of God’s Word

Am I available to pray with God’s people and do I give God the glory?   

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