“Father Kevin Joyce”

Absorbing God’s Word

“In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” James 2:17

Applying God’s Word

God gave me today’s scripture after learning from my daughter, Jackie, that our friend Father Kevin passed away. Father Kevin loved Jesus and was a man of deep prayer. He was like a walking lightbulb with his face aglow and a smile from ear to ear.

Fr. Kevin lived a holy existence through prayer and meditation. His intimate friendship with Jesus and deep faith in God were always accompanied by action. Over the years Father Kevin was assigned to many different parishes in the San Jose area. He was also a professor at St. Patrick’s Seminary and gave numerous teaching seminars on meditation and prayer.

Thank You for the time I had with Father Kevin, Lord. The world needs more mentors just like him.

Accounting of God’s Word

Is my faith accompanied by action?

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