“Old & Bald”

Absorbing God’s Word

“Even when I am old and gray, do not forsake me, my God, till I declare your power to the next generation.” Psalm 71:18

Applying God’s Word

I can truly say that I am not old and gray, but I am old and bald. God has not forsaken me, though. Applying that to my life means that God is not done using me to spread His good news to my own generation and all the ones that follow.

Louise and I had a conversation the other night with a couple folks our age. They shared that they had been on 53 cruises and were signed up for the 54th. Yike. Made us feel like we had sort of missed the boat. I don’t think we have.

We’re in a boat, but it’s captained by Jesus. Cruises don’t get any better than that, right? We never worry about the boat sinking or getting off course. He knows exactly where He’s taking us and what we will be doing for Him when we get there. These days He has us evangelizing our replacements who are part of the generations that follow.

Accounting of God’s Word

Is Jesus the captain of my boat? If so, does the next generation know that?

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