Absorbing God’s Word
“One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God.” Luke 6:12
Applying God’s Word
The one thing Jesus asks us to emulate is prayer. Jesus relied heavily on His relationship with God the Father and the Holy Spirit.
Last week I attended an all-night spiritual retreat in the desert. We were instructed to respect complete silence. One hundred men in columns of two walking silently is powerful. We were met at our first stop by a pastor who read a scripture followed by a short talk. This pattern of walking and spiritual talks continued until about 2am when we finally pitched our tents and crawled into our sleeping bags. Then the silence of the journey was broken by a concert of snoring. I smiled and fell asleep thanking God for this time with Him and all of them. At 6am we broke camp and quietly headed back.
What was the takeaway? Doing God’s work is wonderful, but attempting do so without having a deep prayerful relationship with Him is not.
Accounting of God’s Word
When have I spent a night praying to God?