“An Invitation”

Absorbing God’s Word

“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them.” Matthew 18:20

Applying God’s Word

Recently, I was invited to speak at an upcoming men’s Christians in Commerce/WorkLight retreat in North San Diego County California. The dates of the retreat are October seventh through the ninth. I’ve been asked to be a presenter on these retreats for 37 years, but have never traveled to southern California for one. I am looking forward to it, knowing that God has always shown up at every weekend I’ve attended.

Even though the weekend format is the same every time, each experience is uniquely beautiful because of the different men in attendance. Therefore, I’m extending an invitation to my male readers and to men you might know in southern California who would be interested in attending.

The facility is Prince of Peace Abbey at 650 Benet Hill Road, Oceanside California. Prince of Peace is a beautiful monastery that overlooks the Pacific Ocean. The retreat starts Monday evening at 5:00pm and ends Wednesday morning at 9:30am. Cost is $200, which includes two nights and all meals.

Orange County/Mission Viejo Men’s Challenge Weekend – WorkLight

Accounting of God’s Word

Do I have two days I can give to Jesus?

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