“A House Divided”

Absorbing God’s Word

“Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them, “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand.” Matthew 12:25

Applying God’s Word

Jesus uses the word “EVERY” two times in the scripture above. When I read this verse, I think of this divided world, our divided country, our divided states, our divided cities, our divided neighborhoods and our divided families.

I get a kick out of folks who ask, “Where’s God and how come He’s not doing something about all this?” God hasn’t left the scene. He gave each of us free will and the empowerment of His Holy Spirit to be governed by His truth . That’s the beauty of God, huh? He gives us guidelines to live by and yet all too often we close a blind eye to them. To govern ourselves takes work but unfortunately we are a lazy people. We would much rather be governed by other worldly gods or by the people who worship those gods.

In order to govern myself, I stay in God’s word and absorb as much of His truth as I can possibly process. The first thing I do when dealing with division in my own life is I look in a mirror. That’s where it all starts. When I’m separated from God the hope for unity is lost.

Accounting of God’s Word

What am I doing to eliminate division in my own life?

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