Absorbing God’s Word
“So go to the street corners and invite to the banquet anyone you find.” Matthew 22:9
Applying God’s Word
The definition of cold calling is the solicitation of a potential customer who has had no prior interaction with a salesperson.
I began cold calling at a very young age. I went door to door selling newspaper subscriptions, magazines, vegetable seeds and even raffle tickets for one of my homemade cakes. Then there were my services to iron men’s shirts, babysit, mow lawns and wash cars. Those experiences eventually lead me to selling insurance.
My cold calling produced consistent numbers every time. If I made one hundred calls I averaged about 10 appointments and two new customers. I knew I would be rejected at least 90 times, though.
The numbers have been very much the same when I invite people to have a relationship with Jesus. Is it really worth it? You bet it is.
Accounting of God’s Word
Do I avoid asking others to have a relationship with Jesus due to my fear of rejection?