“The Number 3”

Absorbing God’s Word

“The Lord came and stood there, calling as at the other times, “Samuel! Samuel!” Then Samuel said, “Speak, for your servant is listening.” 1 Samuel 3:10

Applying God’s Word

The number 3 is used hundreds of times in scripture. The Lord calls out to Samuel three times in the above scripture, before Samuel realizes it is God.

A good friend and pastor called me saying, “Jack. The Lord told me that today He would be sending you to pray with a man who has pain on the left side of his neck. I said, “I welcome that opportunity.”

That morning, Louise told me she had pain on the left side of her neck. I prayed with her and it left. Then we went to visit my cousin who had no feeling on his left side from a stroke. He is moving his left leg now. Finally, at my granddaughter’s graduation, I recognized an old friend who had a visible growth on the left side of his neck. He told me it was cancer and that it was very painful. I asked if I could place my hand over the growth and pray for him. He said, “Yes.”

All three situations happened that same day and they all were important, but I am very sure the last one is the one that God told my pastor friend about.

I cannot tell you how many times God has told me to do something three times. On the third time, I usually obey. I am so glad that on that day, I was obedient to God and prayed with all three people.

Accounting of God’s Word

“Challenge” Do I hear God asking me to do things? Does He have to ask me more than three times?

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