Absorbing God’s Word
“You should not be surprised at my saying, ‘Youmust be born again. The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit.” “How can this be?” Nicodemus asked.” John 3:7-9
Applying God’s Word
A few weeks ago God had me write a “Challenge” that ended with this question, “Who is God asking me to baptize in the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit?” One of my readers said, “I have never imagined, dreamed, of actually being the one baptizing a new believer.” My response is, that it’s not something I imagined doing either, however I have been doing it now for thirty-five years.
Like most of you, I was baptized in my church and fulfilled all their requirements as well. No one talked to me about being born of God’s Spirit. I was 40 when a few Christian men prayed with me for the release of God’s “Spirit”. It was an adult decision I made. I repented like I had never done before, accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior like I had never done before and asked God to release His Spirit in me which I had never done before.
The only authority I have to pray with others to be born again is the authority given by God. Powerful? There are no words that can describe what happens when a person is born again.
Some of you are watching the series “The Chosen”. Watch this short video clip of Jesus and Nicodemus about being born again. I’ve watched it a few times and cry every time. Why? I slip into Nicodemus seat across from Jesus. Whew!
The Chosen Jesus & Nicodemus – Bing video
Accounting of God’s Word
Have I invited anyone to be born of God’s Spirit? What if they never see heaven because I didn’t love them enough to ask?