
Absorbing God’s Word

“For lack of guidance a nation falls, but victory is won through many advisers.” Proverbs 11:14

Applying God’s Word

Here’s a scripture that rings true today. As our nation goes so goes the world. It’s also true when applied to each of us individually.

In 1987, when I said yes to Jesus through a ministry called Christians in Commerce (CIC), I had no idea what to expect. I was intimidated by the faith of other member’s; folks who were living out their faith at home and at work. Before I knew it, God’s love was overflowing into me from all of them. That’s when the process of my transformation began. 

Our ministry has never been large in numbers, but the impact it’s had on my life and the lives of thousands more is huge. Many of our original advisors and mentors are no longer alive, which means a little bit of that responsibility has fallen to me and other senior members. 

It’s exciting to see that God is still involved in perpetuating this valuable outreach. Our national president is forty years old, the same age I was when I encountered CIC. I’m also encouraged that our older members are staying involved to help pass along all that we’ve learned and continue to learn. 

The victory truly is won through many advisors.

Accounting of God’s Word

Would you like to become a member of CIC/WorkLight?  www.worklight.org

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