Absorbing God’s Word
“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?” Luke 15:4
Applying God’s Word
Louise and I pray each day for numerous folks who have already professed their loyalty to Jesus and God the Father. We also pray for those who haven’t. It’s tough because some of them are bad individuals.
Interesting, that I never see myself as being that bad. I know that I was one of the lost sheep, though. I wandered away from the flock because I felt rejected and I trusted no one. Doing life alone seemed to work for me, but I was extremely unhappy.
Jesus never stopped looking for me. He never stopped pursuing me. He never stopped using others to try and reach me. He never stopped loving me.
Jesus loves all who are lost and has deputized believers to not only find them, but to also bring them home.
Accounting of God’s Word
Do I appreciate that Jesus never stopped pursuing me? Am I allowing Him to use me to pursue the lost?